A person who rubs Dylan's butt cheeks until... Well. Until they get tired of it.
Wow. It's you! The Butt Cheek Slasher? Run away!
by StangBang! October 17, 2017
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The Shlong Shlinging Slasher was a hidden entity behind the sets of spongebob square. He originated from doodle bob, he became a well known serial killer. Some say hes still out there.
Some say the name of the Shlong Shlinging Slashers name was, the one, The only, “Hoo haw hee tiki tiki
by Long_Shlong69 March 18, 2022
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A person who throws a slice of watermelon at another person/object.
Watermelon-slinging slasher: *throws watermelon slice at the victim*

Victim’s friend: Hey, are you good?

Victim: Yeah, that guy is a total watermelon-slinging slasher.
by a_smelly_computer October 29, 2019
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A very BIG GUY that lerk's in the shadows and prays that you drop your keys and bend over and takes your butt hole.
Don't go anywhere alone the ass eating slasher may strike.
by l_l_l_l_l_l_ November 28, 2017
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some kah nigga from spongebob
guy 1: yo im finna hash slinging slasher your bumhole nigga
guy 2: thats kinda gay cuz
by sumkahnigga December 21, 2017
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He will call your phone then come in and rape you whilst singing the halo theme song with an Algerian flag up his asshole
Spongeboy me bob, the Hash Slinging Slasher is gonna get you if you don’t get a life you lazy shit
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One who is master of slashing the gash
“Tim, how much gash do you slash?”
“Idk man, levi is slashing all the gash... he’s the gash slasher.”
by Masterslash June 3, 2019
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