1. A sharp object or knife,
2. To stab.
1. He has a shank in his school bag.
2. "I'm going to shank you if you dont give me your phone".
by ReKoN December 8, 2007
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The act of shiting and wanking at the same time
I was in a horny hurry this morning had to shank
by Shell2784 May 20, 2011
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Replacement for the term, STAB, which means 'Same Type Attack Bonus' in the Pokemon. Shank gives a 1.5x damage increase if the move used is of the same type as the user.

Also Pseudo-Shank, which refers the same 1.5x damage increase using an item, such as Choice Specs.
"Damn Rain Dance. Starmie Hydro Pumped and shanked me for 2.0x damage."
by Spore Puncher August 11, 2007
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stabbing motion.
used as a handshake for middle schoolers.
Fun to do, without knives.
Shank Shank!!

by ihavefriendsdou February 26, 2008
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To walk up behind someone and pull their pants down by surprise, usually exposing their underwear or genitalia.
Guy 1- "yo man, did you hear what happened to Grace?"
Guy 2- "nah, what?
Guy 1- "Cara shanked her! Now everybody knows she wears red underwear!"
by Al-Tazey December 7, 2010
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To stab someone, then repeatedly have sex with the hole you have created.
Person: Did you hear? Tom shanked Ling-tong the other night
Other person: Oh my god really? is she okay?
Person: Yeah but shes in hospital for stab wounds
by Cemmmmmmmmmm November 24, 2008
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"Shh - ayne - k"

- adjective

1. Bieng a person of impulsive ambition without regard to fear or consequence.

2. Bieng a person with extordany abilty in verbally coercing the opposite sex into mutual copulation.
Exmpl. 1: " Bub, did you see that? Josh just KTFO'd that supervisor. He is so damn SHANK. "

Exmpl. 2: " I was really attempting to wait until I got married before having sex, but Josh is just so SHANK I couldnt resist. "
by Hauhsoj Wahs February 3, 2010
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