v. To masturbate.

Derived from the Latin phrase "Contremesco manuum per Imperator Diligo", lit. Shake hands with the Emperor of Love.

This phrase was believed to have been coined by Juvenal in order to express to a lady friend how he would like to masturbate onto her tits without being crude and causing offence.
1. I'm just off to shake hands with the Governor of Love.

2. Check it out! I just took a photo of me shaking hands with the Governor of Love.

3. Hey, baby. How about I shake hands with the Governor of Love all over your mammaries?
by Drew Peacock. September 27, 2009
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When a male or female is just attractive enough that you would potentially shake you're hand in the "so-so" action. This being when your hand is held out and rocked back and forth to give an "okay or mediocre" judgment rather then a strong approval or dis-approval.

When someones looks are neither good nor bad.
"What did you think of that girl you met last night at the party?" "Eh...I'd shake a hand at it."
by jkalas October 9, 2009
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A slow and casual form of masturbation. A good transition from vigorous mastubation such as flogging the dolphin.
Yesterday I was flogging the dolphin and got tired so I decided to start Shaking Hands With Dr. Jolly.

flogging the dolphin masturbation
by Zach and sol and ev April 23, 2009
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