Abbreviation of Sith Mercenaries, the elite Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight gaming clan that has maintained a formidable presence in the gaming community for over 8 years. Founded in 1997 by SM Sith Lord, the organization has continued to prosper despite the dynamic and turbulent nature of online gaming. Boasting a roster that includes some of the most skilled players in the community, SM is a force to be reckoned with in multiplayer Jedi Knight and many other online games. Additionally, the organization counts amongst its members a host of extremely talented web developers, level designers and application programmers; SM easily ranks amongst the most technically acclaimed gaming clans of the past and present. Driven by devout membership and excellent administration, SM will continue to be a visible part of the gaming community for many years to come.

2. SM_ (clan identification tag)

3. SM - "We have no fear, only hate."
by SM Mister Moe April 7, 2005
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Acronym meaning Sega Master System, an 8-bit console SEGA released in the 80's.
I love playing shinobi on my SMS!
by Steven J. S. August 25, 2005
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Bob "Do you remember what the english hw was?"

Jim "sms"
by zmarineman January 12, 2011
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Friend: "How's life going?"
Response: Sms. Life is going alright.
by ManilaTugBoat01 November 18, 2014
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Tom : How was that girl you went on a date?
Mike : SMS bro, no time for that.
by Yourfatwhitenieghbor October 24, 2019
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