RIOS is one of the coolest dudes out there, a loyal friend amazing lover and yes even the greatest god mode tier when they play APEX LEGENDS!!!

He isn't scare to tell u how he feels and he always loves drinking alcohol but constantly worried about his liver!
IF Allowed to live long enough he will also be an amazing grandpa!!!
by apex le March 20, 2019
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To be a Boss. To be Anabolic. Knows how to party and do work. Dominates at beerpong, flipcup, shotgunning, chugging, keg stands, and academics.
Dude last night was sick I partied like I was Rios. Only a Rios could pull that off. You wish you were Rios. What would Rios do?
by whoami?whoareyou?muthafucka February 5, 2010
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Radar Intercept Officer (RIO)

US Navy term for back-seat weapons and targeting systems operator.
"Lieutenant Public will be your RIO from now on."
by Drake TigerClaw June 11, 2007
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A gay Puerto Rican kid who sells shoes made from tires so he can eat. Then he kicks you in the balls then steals your wallet.
"Man, that kid keeps asking me to buy shoes so he can eat" Said Julian. "Ignore him, he's just a stupid Rios" Replied Alex. "That fucking Rios just nailed me in the balls!" screamed Alex. "He's running with your wallet" Replied Julian.
by Inuphant March 25, 2008
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Running away and hiding while your team mates are in a firefight with another team in an online video game match.
I done a Rio, they shot at us so i ran and hid.
by MrRight2000 February 22, 2019
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Two part movies where a Macao gets lost and adopted. Finds his love in Rio and goes to amazon to meet his parteners family.
friend: Hey! have you seen Rio?

Me: Yeah. Its the perfect movie.
by bummbleBeeee September 9, 2021
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