A 36 DD, long brunette haired woman that is so sexually attractive she gives men an erection by just standing around them.
*A very big breasted woman walks by.*

by Aye, I'm Dani. December 10, 2009
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A strong minded female whos personality amazed every person in who she talks to. Usually having a older brother into punk music and weed.
Hey raven does ur brother sell?
by Racen July 18, 2015
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Raven is the name of a awesome guy with an awesome sense of humor. Hes nerdy, but also smooth. He's so nice that it gets him hurt sometimes, but he always gets back on his feet. Everybody loves Raven.
Raven is such a nice guy!

I wanna be like Raven!
by NormalHumanPerson February 1, 2021
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Raven is a Beautiful girl with a big personality. She loves adventure and being around other people, but she all so loves her alone time. She has A lot of confidence but she also doubts herself. She’s playful and just a fun person to be around. She will always have your back, but if you cross her then you will be sorry.
Dam Raven is so beautiful I just wish she saw that
by The Bird January 5, 2018
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An amazingly talented artist who has a huge heart. His hazel eyes will stop your heart. He is a handsome man who will make a great father and husband to special lady some day. His semse of humor can be a little dark but that is ok cuz his charisma will leave you thinking of him.
Raven is the sweetest young man ever
by Pound puppy April 19, 2017
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A girl commonly described as quiet. looks rude but isn't. is adorable, with grunge style, and doesn't give a fuck.
Britny: have you seen raven, she looks like a bitch...

Chad: No britny, ravens not a bitch. you are.
by ravensanalien September 10, 2019
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