1 - Rambo is a Tuskan warrior that can destroy an entire planet just using a blade of grass. He was created in the year 2000 in Germany by a couple of people named Cheskvok and Rudo.

2 - To beat the hell out of defenseless marcupials.
1 - I ,Rambo, do not need to eat ever again cause I was created by germans.

2 - come back here you defenseless koala..I'm gonna go Rambo on your ass.
by Kadaken January 10, 2005
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A game in which there are runners and a chasing car with a runner. the runners start at a predetermined location and get to another location before the chaser car finds you and the runner tags you.
say: 10 runners.

1 car with a runner

the 10 start at point A and run to point B without being caught by the runner in the car.

thats Rambo
by Hippopotamoussss November 20, 2010
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ramboIs a Street Ministry,RAMBO-911, R-reaching A- all M-ministry B-bondage O-omitted, 911-Psalm 91:1
Rambo 911 is a street ministry who i have found to be very helpful to many people, they Hand Make Crosses that are colorful and can be worn as a neckless or a choker,there is a web site "CARRY A CROSS 4 JESUS" or RAMBO-911 MINISTRY, not positive of their url.
by Pastor Dan June 22, 2007
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Somebody a whole army of rocket launchers/uzis/automatic rifles-using soldiers can't even hit, but he can kill a whole army with two bullets.
by Delf June 23, 2003
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a man who has a speech impediment, but can kick some serious arse!!!!!
can someone please tell rambo that he is not a flying squirell
by jimmy vincent May 13, 2006
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I'm a true fucking killer, like Rambo
by Rambo I October 25, 2018
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rambo is a guy who will do anthing. who also in some cases drinks shottie water. he backflips off buildings and lands on his face. has shotties with 50g shoved down the tube and hes a twat! AKA tom johnston
That was way too much baccy in that, you ramboed my shottie

Go on rambo
You can do it

Someone who will do any thing
by Tasha & Big G January 9, 2009
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