The reason its illigal for me to save hundreds of $$$ on CD's by just downloading them for free on limewire.
I saved $30 dollars this weekend. Why? Because I downloaded two CD's. Unfortunatley, its illigal.
by brian June 18, 2005
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An organization that does not understand that when something is squished it usually tends to spread out. For example, when they squished napster, a gillion other p2p programs sprung up to take its place. The riaa takes artists and their fans for granted and takes 90% of what you pay for a cd and puts the money into lawsuits against small children, collage students, and
by Anonymous August 1, 2003
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To sue or to institute proceedings against (a person) for redress of grievances.
I'm going to RIAA you for using my copyrighted material!
by Actionsketch December 5, 2005
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A group of anal retentive assholes, that will do anything to make a buck.
" Hey, look at the RIAA digging in that dumpster for some 12 year old's address. "
by Rabid Python September 19, 2005
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A bunch of old cunts starting lawsuits because they have nothing better to do.
Fuck RIAA in the fucking ass, fucking bunch of asshats.
by Coolleroy February 11, 2005
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An organization that loves to shoot itself in the foot by suing the very people who buy CDs from the corporations that represent it.
What the Hell? I got sued for having an Eminem and Britney Spears fan site, and I didn't even have a single MP3 on it, and I made clearly made references to my sources.
by music fan August 12, 2003
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fucktards who will sue you 750.00USD for each MP3 on your computer...
hey mom, whats 750x517??? I need to know fast, because the RIAA will come for me very soon.
by dot dot dot July 13, 2003
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