To straighten hair(usually african american or some version thereof's) hair using extreme heat. The heat source is usually an iron comb that has been heated over an open flame. Yes, it is as dangerous and damaging as it sounds...Can result in 3rd degree burns to the scalp and/or neck,depending on how experinced the presser is.
Girl, I need to get big mama to press my hair before the weekend!!

Why??!! You just gone sweat it back nappy again humping all weekend long...slut

by t t March 12, 2006
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it's like a cupboard only it's a press.
by Elburno September 8, 2008
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extremely potent marijuana usually compressed into tight buds.
Man, my boy had that press the other day.
by Ole Reliable November 27, 2008
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Press is Prague and Jess together which creates perfection. Press is THE paragon.
Press on top. Kneel for Press.
by minajmaster July 16, 2021
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When a person is really angry and the opposite person says “why u so pressed” and that gets the opposite person angry
Lmao why u so pressed
by Yeboi sway August 22, 2020
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Fake pills.

Made with a mixture of random chemicals and cheaper, more common drugs.

I.e. meth and junk pressed to form pills representing adderall
Yo these pills you grabbed are pressed eh... it ain’t adderall...
by Fargone15 September 19, 2020
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To be dressed to impress, clean and fresh clothing.
"Yo cuz I'm pressed, got a pocket full of dough, and I'm ready to hit da club!"
by BigBallaCuz12 September 28, 2008
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