Paloma is the type of girl that just comes in your room face timing someone and just throws her phone at you and you get a bump on your head
"hey paloma" "shush im facetiming someone" *throws phone*
by September 8, 2020
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A crack-addicted, pimple-popping enthusiast with a brilliant sense of humor. She is a talented artist, a hard working body piercer, and the party isn't the same without her. You are a lucky person if you have a Paloma in your life.
by Gameo2 June 26, 2023
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A girl who is probably popular and funny in your class and is most likely friends with a girl who’s name starts with o.
Omg she is soooo a Paloma hanging out with Olivia over there.
by S’more May 28, 2021
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Paloma is way too fat to be a stripper
by jawiggle February 18, 2018
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Fake friend ,chooses guys over her friends ,will turn on you at some point just wait ,the fakest person you will ever meet,pretty on the outside but don’t let that fool you she will steal your friends and laugh her way through it,she will do anything for attention ,the biggest bitch on the planet,she moves from guy to guy before you can blink, starts drama all the time and is obsessed with it ,overall the shittiest person you will ever meet,the devil in human form
Person:wow she’s so fake
Other person:must be a Paloma
by Bitch exposer November 18, 2018
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Paloma is a girl that get's no bitches and can't shut up
Shut up, Paloma!
by crowntes November 5, 2022
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She's the worst person you will ever meet. Literally so sarcastic it will make you want to kill yourself.
I fucking hate Paloma.
by unrealbeam October 14, 2021
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