The whiniest piece of shit anti-vaxxer you will ever see that thinks it's cool to hug kids after testing positive for Covid-19
Person 1: "Did you here about that Novak Djokovic guy?"
Person 2: "Oh he's a shit cunt"
Serbian dude: "Oh but Tennis Australia did this on purpose!!!!!111!! They are tyrants!"
by Give Me The Plant January 10, 2022
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When something is as good or comprable to the amazing powers of the Great Basketball player Steve Novak.
John: How did you like Batman
Kevin: It was pretty good. Steve Novak Good

Mike: Did you like "He's Just Not That In To You"
Al: Hell no, it was NOT Steve Novak Good
by Ghandi Von Wilson December 10, 2009
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What does it mean to Peter your Novak? Why do we uses this term, this can most be simply described in song and dance. Petering your Novak was developed by high-tech scientists in 1987 to develop a pure essence of life. During this wondering to create something so beautiful. This would end up being to be a tragedy however; the whole experiment went south! The results were somewhat of a anti-pure-essence which took the minds of many and showed them the reality that we call "Petering-your-Novak". The minds of these scientists became manic and would often become uncensored doing what they want.

To this day nobody knows the true effects of Petering on that Novak

Now the term Petering your Novak is used to remember those times. it is often used to describe grotesque events. At the same time describing the most beautiful ones.

You can say - "I petered my Novak" for a sense of how you could use this.

What it means is usually up to the user. This way nobody can really be upset when it comes to Petering their Novak
"You're Petering Your Novak."
by PeterNovak November 3, 2022
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Maj Novak is a very simpatičen, smart, sweet, handsome and well behaved boy.
I have a crush on Maj Novak
by Ređep June 28, 2022
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a man who looks like a child. probably bad at uno, small cock, will get his sister fucked by an alpha male.
Hey man look at hat fag, oh wait, its ryan novak.
by xx_mIn3cr4Ft_PvP_g0d_xx March 14, 2019
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Faggot. Robin's boyfriend and future irl husband, which makes him even more of a faggot
Robin : I love you
Bloodsport Novak : .... Fag
by RuebenInYourMom September 22, 2021
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Novak is the last name of Claire Novak and the vessel of castiel Jimmy Novak on CW’s show Supernatural
Hey you know Jimmy Novak

No who is he
He’s castiels vessel
by The Gay female dog December 23, 2021
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