Done or finished, used mostly but no only when referring to Marijuana. Pronounced toe ma toes.
any herb in that bowl, brah?

Nah, brah its tomatoes.

well hows your college education goin?

That too is Tomatoes, my brah.

by jdhjdh July 22, 2010
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Someone who is technically not a vegetable, but who seems to be just like one.
1. C'mon, get off your deep-fried thighs and help me move this, you fat tomato!
by anothermoron February 6, 2008
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Crazy; Beyond Salvation due to smoking too much grass and kicking too much ass.
He's gone tomatoes on us.
by farley March 3, 2003
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An amazing friend who will always be there for you. Is super petty in the best possible way. Always makes ya laugh. And a great person to waste time away with.
Tomato... Yeah even though we met on Xbox he's my best friend.
by Kochie43 November 27, 2018
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When someone is blushing so hard they look like a tomato.
Don’t look at me like that! I am not a tomato, my face is not that red!
by kat_the_tomato January 10, 2020
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These aint no fuckin vegetables. These got damn seeds retrard/.
"Did you eat a fruit"
"Yes i ate a tomato"
by PesinLover November 16, 2019
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a name for someone who turns red when he/she gets nervous or excited
"OMG Tomato! You're turning red! lol"
by sophiophia101 February 25, 2017
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