A little goes an extra rich, deep, delicious, long way.
Her pole was very natural.
by natural clarker October 20, 2009
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Human beings who lack any superior knowledge, thought processing, or advanced skills.
It was like being in a room full of naturals, all the dumbfounded expressions, when they didn't understand the professors questions
by Yeoj January 31, 2014
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Everything natural in the world yes its nature and yes it will kill you
Blinking nature, flashing nature, flying nature, hopping nature, growing nature, galloping nature, hairy nature, armored nature, feathered nature, stinging nature, smelly nature, domesticated nature, dead nature, wet nature, sticky nature, edible nature, windy nature, swimming nature, fluphy nature, thats about it.
by Fluphy September 28, 2006
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(1) Nature is what happens when the airs of the north and south meet. When the ox and northernly bodies mesh to become united for a just cause. When unexplained happenings unfold before your eyes like a christmas morning miracle.

(2) When combinations of sweet nectars from the tree of life are joined with a male bonding.
J and I got natured up last night.

Nature was in full force ripping off shingles and hurling them towards people.

Nature got a hold of us, and alcohol was suddenly missing from meijers. "go get the car."

The forrest behind my house got taken out by nature in september.

Nature got the best of us on the golf course. It didnt allow us to finish all 18 holes.

Throwing rocks at windows and being chased down the street can only be nature's doing.

A fireball of fury was created by nature inside our house.
by Eric Cassidy January 23, 2007
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Having a nature-like awareness of ones self..
The tree hugging hippy was being true to her natureousness ways by wraping a pretty bow around it's trunk.
by Asstrav June 1, 2011
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A youtuber that trolls Roblox cafes and has a little over 10k subscribers. She’s a really kind person in general and uploads hilarious content!
Person 1: Yo, have you seen that new video Naturality posted?
Person 2: Dude, it was fuckin hilarious bro! I was dying throughout the video!
by naomie? March 30, 2020
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