As in "I love you....more....most.....more than most....mostest!"
by Keylow June 4, 2009
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Katie loves Jake the mostest.
Therefore katie wins : )
by o0hmgeeitskt August 23, 2008
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A form of measurement often used to describe the love one has for his/her spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc. It is also used to describe likings to food as well.

This word is used to outdo any other form of measurement. However, it can be defeated by Mostest times infinity.
Sonya may love Noah the most, but Noah loves Sonya the mostest.
by Johnny Bravo AF June 5, 2010
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Mostest; More than the most. Therefore, Most is not the highest, but mostest, or simply, more than the most is the highest level, end of story.
by Emmmmm February 26, 2008
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