Mongo is a derogatory term for fireman, normally used by EMS to refer to the firefighters.
Paramedic: "Let mongo do compressions, we need someone to get a line."
by dnrget June 29, 2013
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EXTREMEMLY LARGE breasts (pamela lee anderson size) boobs, tits, titties, breasts, ears, whatever u wanna call them....
yoyo son one time afta i was on the bong i saw dis tight biatch wit deez major mongos with gigantic nipplez!
by jaquiescha December 11, 2003
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I): The act of inhaling large quantities of vaporized Crystal Methamphetamines.

II): An over-sized unit of measurement particularly when used to describe the comparative units of inhalative substances pertaining to Crystal Meth.
Billy "Lets get effed right up, I wanna do mongo tokes till my toes tingles and my hair feels like a hat"

Pino "I dont know if I want to, Jimmy is gonna sketch out, MONGO style."

Armando "Jimmy's cute, I bet he's got a mongo package."

Pino and Billy "SICK MAN, YOUR A MONGO FAG!"
by John Kimbell January 6, 2007
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sam marino while riding his skateboard
Frodo and Samwaise were seen pushing mongo down the steep hills of the shire
by creamer mc ream April 12, 2009
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The action of using three outstretched fingers (most commonly the middle, ring and pinky finger)and sliding across the top of another individuals head and or hair in a hard forceful manor. Mongos are used to express hate towards a person or just to administer great pain or anguish to another being.
I hate that ar-tard so much I mongoed him and his fat head started to wimper
by Tom (redpill) October 16, 2007
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term used by jamerson and baller ben cuz of this hottie that was a year younger which jugs like an elephant...
also see TOB for more info
DAmn i wish i could get a piece of those mongos but shes prude
by TOB fo eva December 8, 2004
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