A disease that affects every human being in the world on a Monday. Where you don't want to do anything but you have to whether it be work or school. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and not wanting to get off your lazy ass.
Guy 1: "Man I don't want to do anything today."
Guy 2: "Looks like you've got a case of The Mondays."
by Assassin5953 September 25, 2017
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When you realize the weekend is over, and you have to give up 40+ hours at a shitty job just to earn enough to eat and have shelter.
by karma June 12, 2004
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Another slang term for a gentlemen of the black race. Used repeatadly when in the presence of black or other ethnic minorities to avoid ugly confrontation, causing uncomfortable silence resulting in physical violence, known to them as "Cracker Beating". Origin from the cliche' saying... 'Nobody Likes Mondays'
Man, were you at the basketball game, that Mondays got hops
This party is terrifying me, too many Mondays around
by BeeFrank April 23, 2006
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The Monday back to work after a killer party or parties. Can also be used to describe any day that just really sucks ass.
co-worker: Hey are you okay? There's a pair of woman's underwear on your back, and you have the word "place balls here" tattooed under your mouth.

you: Oh, don't worry about that. I just have a case of the Mondays.

co-worker: Thank googness. I was getting worried.
by Bald Mexican April 25, 2006
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someone or something you hate with an extreme prejudice.
I hate that Fucker Tom, he's such a fuckin' Monday
by R U N? October 25, 2004
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Less crude slang term that refers to ANY person who possesses the following qualities: Ignorant, Unintelligent, and Belligerent. In short: an Asshole or Asswipe.

Note: It is unfortunate that some of the people considered to be "Mondays" are born and raised in less then suitable environments, and therefore, can't be blamed for who they are. It is also important to note that the majority of a whole ethnic group was oppressed and forced into poor living conditions which intern causes the generalization of that whole ethnic group to be labeled as "Mondays".

Monday:" Mel Gibson sure is a Monday"

Mondays:" The KKK, NBPP, and every other Gang who creates hate and violence are a bunch of Mondays"
by UnderGod January 15, 2011
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term used by white people to describe black people without being called a racist
because everyone hates mondays
get outta my way ya fuckin monday!
by kike jones July 11, 2008
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