A shit sequel to an amazing game. Modern Warfare 2 is widely known for unbalanced weapons, maps designed for 'camping', a terrible online community and numerous ways to hack the game. The overall terribleness of the game lead many to boycott the Call of Duty series or Infinity Ward games.
Bob: "Dude, i walked into a room and was shot by 5 different people and two claymores went off. Their entire team is camping..."

Joe: "Can't hear you dude, there's some 8 year old screaming into his mic"

Bob: "Fuck Modern Warfare 2! I think ill go watch paint dry instead"
by Stan146 September 16, 2010
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Modern Warfare 2 is the second coming of Modern Warfare! The trailer was released a while back and loads of people went crazy as they seen perks in the corner! It was probably never going to be made, but World at War sucked so much they needed to get the fans back.
Guy 1: Hey have you seen the Modern Warfare 2 trailer?

Guy 2: No, haven't been doing much else, but hanging with my girlfriend since I leveled up on Prestige 10 on cod4!

Guy 2's girlfriend: Hey, what is Modern Warfare 2?

Guy 2: Your replacement when this hot piece of gaming heaven comes out muhahahahahaha lolzzzzz!

Guy 1: Haha, bitch!!
by Stekop1 May 5, 2009
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The second worst FPS to be released ever.

If you're looking for:
- Broken Online Gameplay
- Shitty P2P
- Most of your Xbox/PS3 controllers broken within a week

Then this is the game for you.
Guy 1: So, you played Modern Warfare 2 yet?

Guy 2: Yeah, It's pretty terrible. I'd rather play World At War than this piece of shit.
by Akeraz February 20, 2010
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The biggest piece of shit disappointment to ever have been released since Halo 3. Story completely ignores the laws of physics, and once you get over seeing Soap's face for the first time, your cock goes limp as he parkour jumps his way to a whole Russian base to destroy them all afterwards making a jump 1 mile long on a snowmobile.
Even moreso, the multiplayer is the biggest turd of the sandwich, made up of huge faggot 8 year olds yelling racial slurs because mommy and daddy aren't home, and the sounds of Aussies cutting themselves because they haven't joined suit with the rest of their nation in destroying their fucking games due to the immense, "Ameri-lag."
Infinity Ward tricked many people into buying this satan spawn, so mission accomplished, good job.
Longcat: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Don't you mean Camp of Shit: Model 1887 2?
by Codename Exia January 2, 2010
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The epitome of bullshit that far exceeds that of any other video game in the history of man. Completely filled with game breaking mechanics often resulting in numerous frustrating deaths and a spawn system designed to fuck over players of a higher caliber MW2 is by far the worst in the call of duty series.
Guy 1: Hey last night I was playing MW2 and the whole enemy team was using one man army danger close noob tubes and randomly shot them all across the map and the when I finally did get with in range of one of them, they had painkiller and commando-ed me from 10 feet away! It was such a blast!

Guy 2: Seriously, you had fun in all that?

Guy 1: Hell no! I destroyed the game shortly afterwards to preserve my sanity

Modern Warfare 2=noob friendly
by runnerboy404 October 17, 2010
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The reason that so many guys have begun to love their Xbox 360/PS3 more than their girlfriends. The leading cause of breakups in the UK, France, the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Girl (ex: Betty) "Why don't you ever text me any more?"

Guy (ex: Nathaniel) "I found a new love. Her name is Modern Warfare 2. Her parents are Infinity Ward and Activision. Tejbz said this would happen."
by Nizzle Chrizzle Pizzle April 29, 2010
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See: SBMM, Trash ass maps, camper infested, and overpriced cosmetic bundles. Any criticism is typically brushed off as a "skill issue" by the same kid that camps in a corner with his shotgun.
Instead of them fixing what's wrong with Modern Warfare 2, they add Nicki Minaj and more bundles😒.
by A Human Male July 31, 2023
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