To be bashed up,to have sexual relations, or to be in trouble.
Sinead Colee was micked up by Rachel Logan or
You're Micked.
by freyaspierre December 1, 2008
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Derogatory word for Irish people.
The origin of the word is disputed. Some beliefs are that "mick" comes from the common "Mc" in many Irish names. McSorley, McNeil, McFlannagan, ect.

Others believe its related to the sound of a drunken hiccup. I was the captain *mick* of a ship *mick* for 3 years!!

Also, Mick is the word that "spick" came from.
Irish and Hispanics are both dominantly catholic. In the 1900's when Irish immigrants had pretty much been well established, but still hated by many Americans, was also the time when many Hispanic immigrants made their entry into America. They ended up sharing our churches, schools and neighborhoods due to the catholic faith and moral values we had in common. When early retard americans saw this, they bagan calling hispanics "spicks" (Like a spanish Mick).

Mick is also used between Irish friends and relatives in a playful and joking way.
Like "Joey, you stupid mick"

Also Mick is a word that Dutchman are afraid to use, cause they know that us Micks will tear em up. Like the guy "JESSIE" who posted earlier, they only say it on the web, or when we arent around.
my cousin is one crazy mick.

That fuckin mick nailed my sister!
by Irish_Mickey March 14, 2006
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The state to where you/friends are bout to do anything that is illegal or be bogged
Hey bro did you hear about how john got so micked he passed out
by ohheylowlife March 2, 2017
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When you first meet her, you hate her. She seems like a drama queen and a spoiled brat. Once you get to know her she amazing, kind, sweet, funny, sometimes stupid, and awesome!!! Once you find a mick (girlfriend or best friend) don't let her go. Also she is a kind who likes a lot of boys (not at the same time) but once she finds the one she is loyal forever.
guy: Hey man, i became friends with a mick!
friend: Lucky bro!!!
by anonymous bae21squad4lyfe November 4, 2015
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the word is a put down of the irish by the english.they were not smart enough to master the irish language and anglisised irish names,and place names.mick is a corruption of the irish word for pig,(muick)
here comes another mick.
by sailor60 April 2, 2008
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A slang term used to describe an irishman. The name originally comes from Irish Catholics naming their childern Michael. Hence the Mick
Brady & Jaxon are the true brothers Mick!!
by lilmic33 April 20, 2005
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