Between two bads,we choose the lesser one.(the minimum bad)
He had two options:getting a bad grade or an absence at school.Ex malis eligere minima.
by The Persian King November 11, 2015
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Malis is the name of flower which means Jasmine in Cambodian language. Malis is a popular name in Cambodia and parents are likely to name their daughters Malis when they want them to be pretty like Jasmine flower.
Phoung is the word used to count Jasmine flower Ex: 1 phoung, 2 phoung

Malis phoung is a great name.
My daughter’s name is Malis phoung.
I just bought this Jasmine 1 phoung from the market today.
Malis flower smells so good.
by YMLP98 November 23, 2021
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A crackhead, lovely, beautiful girl, yet she’s on the short side that you need in your life. Mali-Rose doesn’t realise her real beauty and her friends will never stop telling her that she is until she realises it even if they have to punch her in the face. Mali-Rose hates scary movies and whenever her and her friends have a sleepover they have to watch a comedy instead of a horror. Mali-Rose has a great small circle of best friends that always argue but always make up again. You need a Mali-Rose in your life
Oh look it’s Mali-Rose

Wait isn’t she the short one of the friend group yet the most fiesty

Yeah don’t mess with her she’ll get her little brother on you
by You’llNeverFindOutHeHe November 7, 2020
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A gender neutral name. A boy, a girl and also a non-binary person can named Mali.
The name is also a name of an African country
Mali plays football. They are pretty good in the defence.
by 4Conrad7 November 21, 2021
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Mali is a little country in Africa, sadly known for earthquake LaQueefs. These LaQueefs can result in major damage and trauma. Many locals of Mali believe in having fantasies of Mr Woods. Many of these Malians suffer from a disease that results in bloated butts and hair loss, causing many of them to buy wigs or weaves. They also hardly get common diseases mainly just this one.
"Did you hear about what happened in Mali?"

"Yeah! That LaQueef sure shook them straight."
by Lilpeas23 October 15, 2020
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mali is the biggest bitch youll EVER MEET. shes not a good person and will bully you until you literally explode. BUT! mali will be someone who has a place in my heart forever and she deserves so much more then what she gets . i love mali till the day i die
by March 9, 2023
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