Loris is the greatest guy you will meet. He is a short guy but he is full of love, happiness and crazyness. Sometimes Loris can be angry but it will not last a single minute , because this man is so great and always happy.
Loris can become a quite wild when the sun goes down, and if you have the chance to share a night with him , you will not be disappointed.
Oh Loris , can i be your slave
by LaKarb November 24, 2021
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Origin and meaning

The meaning of the name Loris, as well as that of Lorenzo, is therefore "coming from the city of Laurentum", one of the oldest pre-Roman urban centers in Lazio, which has now disappeared, according to tradition, was built near a laurel grove. This is the reason why the name Loris can also assume the etymological meaning of "laurel girdle".

People who bear this name are generally endowed with sociability and an undeniable ability to express themselves in public with joy, passion and imagination. Creative and kind, then, the Loris know how to influence the people around them and their tenacity will ensure that they do not abandon anyone on the street. They often know how to be supportive, reliable and helpful towards others and this makes others love to work for them and with them and never feel alone in the company of Loris.


Traditionally the name day is celebrated on 10/8, also known as St. Lawrence day.

Number and color of the aura

The number associated with the name Loris is 1 and the color gold in reference to the aura

Italian variant

The interesting Italian variants of the name to consider are Lorenzo, Renzo.

Foreign variant

The most used and interesting foreign variants of the name to consider Lawrence, Larry.

Many famous people in Italy are called Loris, such as French-Italian fashion designer Loris Azzaro, the motorcyclist Loris Reggiani, the former motorcyclist Loris Capirossi and the photographer Loris Gonfiotti among others.
Loris is my first name.
by Flow Ring November 22, 2021
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Origin and meaning

The meaning of the name Loris, as well as that of Lorenzo, is therefore "coming from the city of Laurentum", one of the oldest pre-Roman urban centers in Lazio, which has now disappeared, according to tradition, was built near a laurel grove. This is the reason why the name Loris can also assume the etymological meaning of "laurel girdle".

People who bear this name are generally endowed with sociability and an undeniable ability to express themselves in public with joy, passion and imagination. Creative and kind, then, the Loris know how to influence the people around them and their tenacity will ensure that they do not abandon anyone on the street. They often know how to be supportive, reliable and helpful towards others and this makes others love to work for them and with them and never feel alone in the company of Loris.


Traditionally the name day is celebrated on 10/8, also known as St. Lawrence day.

Number and color of the aura

The number associated with the name Loris is 1 and the color gold in reference to the aura

Italian variant

The interesting Italian variants of the name to consider are Lorenzo, Renzo.

Foreign variant

The most used and interesting foreign variants of the name to consider Lawrence, Larry.

Many famous people in Italy are called Loris, such as French-Italian fashion designer Loris Azzaro, the motorcyclist Loris Reggiani, the former motorcyclist Loris Capirossi and the photographer Loris Gonfiotti among others.
Loris is my first name.
by Flow Ring November 22, 2021
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A beautiful, raging homosexual who doesn't commit to be a bottom. But it's quite obvious.
loris we already know that you're gay just shut the fuck up.
by Hahajime March 30, 2020
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lori is a wonderful , kind , loving , beautiful person she loves to have fun and be goofy with others even tho stress rules her life she doesn’t always keep that on her mind she is always positive and helps to keep overs positive . Tho that she is positive and nice she has a sensitive side you can’t really play with her heart bc she will find out some how . tho lori doesn’t have lots of friends and doesn’t have the ‘perfect’ body lori still thinks positive and is thankful for what she has.
I wish lori was mine , I would do anything to have her as mine
by “Unknown” March 1, 2019
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Crazy hot, extremely tall guy. Athletic and intelligent. He’s basically ‘that guy’.
by Chunkypotato123 October 17, 2021
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The all powerful master of Troop 651. It is said she follows them everywhere with her large arsenal of military equipment. She is also known to make the winds and the waves with the clap of her 1000 pound cheeks.
Dude look at that cool plane.
Man that’s just one of Lori’s spy planes.
by The big scrote June 16, 2021
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