When you are sentenced to live in a room locked with numerous big sweaty naked black men with cocks ranging from 8 to 37.48 inches, while they do indescribable things to you.
That's it Ayden! I'm sentencing you to BBC Lockdown for 3 weeks for touching Jean too much!
by jacobtyso April 7, 2023
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When a dude has so many female friends around him in a club, he just can't get in contact with the hot woman who really want him!
Hey, check out Robert, all these girls around him... he's totally in a chick lockdown!
by bassman_10 March 1, 2009
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Kanye West song Love Lockdown (c)2008

Keeping control over your love
even though you don't love each other
you cant get out of it

"Im not lovin you, the way i wanted to - what i had to do: had to run from you. Im in love with you, but the vibe is wrong and that haunted me all the way home"
I dont love her, but she loves me. I can't get out of this relationship, she's has a love lockdown.
by xkevinsmith@gmail.com September 20, 2008
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see Jessica & Jenni keeping their love lockdown
by JJRS December 11, 2008
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A buildup of body fat, particularly in the leg area, caused as a result of adhering to pandemic lockdown restrictions.
Steve: Hey Brad, seen Suzie since the restrictions started?
Brad: No, why?
Steve: Well try not to do a double take when you see her - serious case of lockdown legs.
Brad: I hear ya bro.
by kidchameleon May 27, 2020
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A measure that actually fucking worked
Hey wanna hear a joke? Trump actually cares enough to implement a Wuhan lockdown.
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“To pull a Lockdown Special”: The action of undertaking a photograph, video call or conference appearing on-camera as fully clothed and appropriately dressed, despite not wearing appropriate (or any) clothing on the lower body which is out-of-view.

A Lockdown Special may be the act of a company employee appearing on a video meeting as wearing expected business attire, when in fact they are naked from the waist down, unbeknownst to any other meeting attendees.
“Jonathan pulled a Lockdown Special yesterday. He stood up to open the window and we all saw more than we hoped for.”
by myrightnut May 23, 2020
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