verb: chill about something, happy with the situation
happy and confident about yourself
adverb: cool
Question: "how you feeling?"
Answer: "I'm totally leveled"

Statement: "You're looking so damn leveled babe!"

Statement: "This place is soooo leveled!"
by GetfunkD April 22, 2018
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knowing something somebody doesn't think you know and using that against them.

bringing somebody, who rises through the use of often false information, back down from their pedestal by using their false information against and thereby leveling them.
peter: mike you know nothing about autism.
mike: i had an autistic kid in my swim. class and I had to take a training course on how to deal with him.
peter: really?
mike: yea... LEVELED!!!
by LEVELED December 8, 2008
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an acranym
by lalala April 10, 2003
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A code used by self absorbed women who repeatedly cheat on every boyfriend or husband they have ever had. Levels of Love can be detected by terrible excuses.

Level 1 - Sleeping with someone she met at a party - "I don't want to talk about last night. Can we just forget about it, please?"
Level 2 - Spent the weekend out of town with a friend with benefits - "I was taking care of a sick friend all weekend."
Level 3 - Hooked up with an ex-boyfriend - "Had dinner with my old boyfriend then helped him move boxes."
Level 4 - Went home with a guy who tipped well - "I got really drunk while working the bar and stayed at a friend's last night."
Level 5 - Hooked up with her ex-boyfriend again - "I slept over his house because he had air conditioning."
Level 6 - Oh the humanity! Too horrible to mention.
Fran: "I asked how her friend's party went last night and she said she wanted to forget about it and not talk about it ever again."
Dave: "Oh dude! She must have bumped uglies with someone at the party. She's using the Levels of Love code. Drop her before you're on her STD train."
by dunagain10 September 4, 2012
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This phrase describes intelligence. To be Yaruuna level is to attain an ultimate level of smartness. Everyone aspires to be Yaruuna level and it is something to be envious of.
Guy: Wow did you just ace that math test?

Guy 2: Yeah man, I'm so yaruuna level.
by Meelo YOLO June 29, 2012
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(Noun): An informal term used in computer science, specifically in the language C++. It is used to describe pointers and pointer notation. A pointer has one level of starriness, while a two-dimensional array has two levels of starriness.
"Since I deferenced this pointer, it has no levels of starriness now."
"My pointer to char pointers have two levels of starriness."
by C++=B- February 18, 2020
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