the worst being that exists💜
by biggest_vodks_fan June 12, 2022
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The best profile I've come across in the soul-sucking wasteland that is online dating.
Holy shit, I encountered the Lena! Now if only she'll write me back..
by justanotheramericantourist September 16, 2019
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Lena is a nerrrrd, like we all love her but we’re not sure how we became friends. She loves ants and has Ariana grande hair. She is very beautiful and very squeaky and speaks German. She is also the most indecisive person you’ve ever met. But hey you gottta love her
“Wait your friend talks about ants and siphonophores all the time?”

Yeah dude
“She sounds like a lena
by And that’s the tea sis December 16, 2018
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Lena has long-ish hair
Ben knows her
by Ben cho December 24, 2004
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A girl who can tell who is being fake. She hates pettiness and liars. She is really fun to be around and always has men throwing them selves at her but she stays loyal. She becomes a new person around her close friends who is even more hilarious even if it isn’t always on purpose. She is always honest with herself and others even if it is harsh. She probably likes animals more than people. She has a nice body and is always working to make it even better.
Damn that Lena girl is fine
by Jimbo the pimp June 17, 2020
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A good looking American girl with bangs, a basic music taste and a strong hatred towards awkward British men.
"Ah man, Lena left me on read again"
"You're awkward and British, what did you expect?"
by Walk-D.M.C. May 20, 2020
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Emo: is that an emo
Emo Lena: yes
by The only president August 30, 2022
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