When someone is succesful in a particular endeavor beyond their wildest dreams, causing one to undress in public in the middle of the day while slapping their ham and dispensing knuckle guppies all over the sidewalk.
"Dude what is Tony doing??"

"You didn't here the good news? He got an A++ on his math final!?"

"No way, he was only shooting for a C-."

"Yea, I asked him if he'd like to celebrate and get a couple pops, but he was acting kind of strange, but then I realized he just had to decompress and go Kony Creator for a bit."
by MC Beer Truck March 22, 2012
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A ugandan warlord who kidnaps kids, turns girls into sex slaves and boys into kid soldiers. He fights for no cause yet to make himself look powerful. He has a army and is constantly on the move. He has been doing this for 26 years and he is the the worlds number 1 criminal for multiple crimes against humanity and the american government has doen nothing because it was not in their best intrests but now that people are realising who he is and demanding actions they are sending advisers out there to train the local military in finding him. we can stop him by making him famous, not to celebrate him, but to shed light on his events and bring him to justice. Lets spread the word
me: lets get joseph kony
you: who is he
me: describes kony
you: ill go spread the word
by TheFir3start3rs March 8, 2012
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when you think you are masturbating in private, but some faggot films you in the act and then tries to make you famous by posting your video everywhere
Jane : Hey that video was hilarious
Adam: What video?
Jane : the one of you masturbating in the disabled toilets
Adam : shit! how did you know?
Jane : Robert filmed in the act, the video is viral
Adam : Darn, I'm such a Joseph Kony
by trewert March 7, 2012
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Some Doucher in Uganda who killed a couple of people
(Top rated comment on some random youtube video)

KONY 2012
by Billy Mays March 10, 2012
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a scam that is based on kids believing what they hear from a supposedly factual video on youtube
moron"kony 2012 guys!" smart person "do research before you spew shit out of your mouth"
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Joseph Kony is the world's worst war criminal. During 1987 he took over leadership of a rebel group and called it LRA (lord's resistance army). This rebel group is active in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. The LRA has abducted over 30,000 chidren to be soldiers in his army or sex slaves.

'Invisible Children' is been working for 9 years to end this violance against children. KONY 2012 is a video made by 'Invisible Children' to let the world know about Kony so that he may finally be arrested and this violance ended.

Type in youtube.com Kony 2012 and watch the video to help support Invisible Children and arrest Joseph Kony.
by WeCanMakeADifference March 15, 2012
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Joesph Kony is a Ugandan military leader.

This dickhead is known for abducting children and making girls into sex slaves. And for boys, into child soldiers, forcing them to kill their own parents.

He has taken in more than 30000 children and has been getting away with it for 26 years now.

This idiot does this because he can and because he has the power to do so.

Look up the viral video "Kony 2012".

It shows how you can help this motherfucker end up in hell quicker with all his friends like Adolf Hitler, Osama, Kim Jong-Il, Pol Pot, and Joseph Stalin.

Look up "Kony 2012" on youtube now!
Dude#1: Joseph Kony is such a manwhore
Dude #2: I know eh, he had more than 60 wives, and has more than 40 children.
Dude #1: Maybe Kony's children should kill his own douchebag dad.
Dude #2: Fuck no, we get Kony and have blue whale penises shove up his ass and his mouth and make him drown in whale jizz and die.
Dude #1: Dude, that is cruel... Having innocent whales shove their dicks up some prick, and having their children suffer in the mouth of Kony.
by Ipwn pokenubs March 8, 2012
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