All these tiny little jits be wanting to wear my shoes. Aint got the slightest of clues or even paid my dues.
by skill August 10, 2003
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Originally, an illegitimate child; in common usage, a juvenile, usually of the delinquent persuasion
OG: I looked up one of my jits. I haven't seen his mother since since he was born. He was hanging out on the corner with all his jit friends
by maceisthemax December 29, 2012
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A derogitory term used to describe people who participate in musical theatre, or people who are theatrical in general. This term is very common in certain parts of Maine, but is used most frequently in Aquib's pants.
"Wow, look at those hand gestures! She's a total jit!"
by natedamenk November 3, 2011
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Boys that "Bia's" Date

Bia Approved!
Bia K: Damn did you see the Jit?

Bia C: The Hott Azn Jit?
by Bia C May 18, 2004
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"Greg, thanks for paying for the hooker bro, now are we both gonna jit on her?"
by Michael102772 February 3, 2008
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a slang word for a Jews tits, or Jewish Tits.
Look at The Jits On Ryan, O MY!
by mynutsmysnow January 7, 2010
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