A phrase commonly used by sunday school children when they scrape their knees, the phrase originated from the fact that Jesus and other sand niggers fuck sheep when they can't get laid.
Jesus Sheep-Fucking Christ you Moon Belly you just spilt the bong water.
by Tom Ali August 22, 2006
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Said When Your Either Irritated and Pissed Off, Confused, Are Your About To Bite The Fucking Big One.
Irritated and Pissed Off
Jesus Jumping Fucking Christ If You Say 1 More Word During This Damn Movie I'll Carve Out Your Eyes And Skullfuck You
Jesus Jumping Fucking Christ Where The Fuck Is The Remote
About To Bite The Fucking Big One
Jesus Jumping Fucking Christ That 18 Wheeler's On The Wrong Side Of Th..................
by The Doc Brown April 26, 2006
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An expression of shock, fear or just plain surprise. Originating from the movie Team America.
Jesus Titty Fucking Christ!, don't scare me like that!
by Polltang January 30, 2015
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An expression used when something cool or mind blasting happens or is seen.
Holy Fucking Jesus!, that woman isn't a woman...it's a whale!
by f00dnetw0rk June 19, 2010
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A cringy ass “catchphrase” that doesn’t even make sense. You probably made it up to be quirky or have a special catchphrase nobody else has except it backfired and now you sound like a dumbass
Weird kid: Jesus on a fucking boat!!
Everyone else: Wtf did he just say…
by icecoldtoes July 25, 2022
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something you say to smebody when they are complaining about you "not following rules" or "being rude" or if they are just being an annoying goody goody asshole. Can also be used on Jesus Freaks.
Person #1- Hey! you shouldn't do that!

Person #2- Go fuck jesus.
by LolointheSkywithDiamonds July 27, 2008
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