To not reply by message for over 24hours
by Tibsy115 May 5, 2016
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It's like a blindfolded man sitting in broad daylight saying "I love the dark" and swatting anyone who tries to take the damned thing off.
You believe that the evening news is actually news? Wow, some ignorance.
by Shadow Creator January 1, 2008
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Being uneducated on specific subjects.
Actually most of these definitions are written by ignorant people, who shouldn't be giving "definitions" to others.
A definition on here: Pocahontas - has long dark hair...etc. <Ignorance

Actually in real life Pocahontas had no hair.
by Jessbear14 October 3, 2006
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The social group populated by those individuals who are rejected, shunned, forgotten or otherwise ignored by so-called "normal people" for no reason other than that they occupy a different niche.

The Ignority does not necessarily consist of any greater or lesser number of individuals than any other group, though they can be viewed as a minority due to media, cultural or social perception.

Something of a catch-all, 'Ignority' is meant to be an umbrella term including nerds, geeks, weirdos and anyone else that feels that they are part of the world that does not belong.
Rather than being judged by the color of their skin or their religious background, members of the Ignority are judged and treated based on their interests as human beings.
by Abel LeGrange July 5, 2010
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Forming an "opinion" on a subject for which one knows absolutely nothing about and voicing that opinion, thus showing lack of knowledge or ambition to becoming remotely intelligent on the subject mattter.
Ignorance is choosing to do something just because someone told you that you need to, or that you should without doing the research for yourself to make an educated and informed decision.
by CB49 December 28, 2011
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