The illegal used in the British movie "Trainspotting"
Renton, Spud, Sick Boy, and Tommy did heroine at Swanney's apartment.
by N/A July 23, 2003
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Extreemly addictive, dangerous, and undeniably fun drug, that if used more than once or twice can cause serious problems. My advice is if you really REALLY want to do heroin, chase the dragon. DO NOT INJECT IT. AN OVERDOSE IS MORE LIKELY AND ADDICTION CAN SET IN AFTER ONE TIME.
Today I took an E-bomb for a concert that I didn't know had heroin in it. It was one of the greatest things I've every felt but even while rolling I regretted doing it. Heroin WILL mess you up if used, even responsibly. Your safest bet is just to stay away.
by Being sober is for the weak. February 21, 2007
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best drug ever, use it to stop tripping from acid/lsd when trip gets too long , feel better, smoke it is good , inject is fucking good, shit i cant exaplin this is soo good
when u on heroin u become sober and feel fucking good
by drugdenlsd May 12, 2005
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A heroin induced state of hibernation.
Terry thinks we went from winter to summer overnight. He must have just woke up from his heroination.
by ML8801 July 23, 2008
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Yo man lets go get some heroin?

Naw dude, i did that shit the last three days.

Yo its cool, its only heroin.
by loomaytin August 4, 2007
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