A group of friends or an event that consists of almost all girls.

The opposite of a Sausage Fest.
What was the ratio at the party like last night, was it a sausage fest, or more like a full ham sandwich?
by Full Ham Sandwich March 20, 2019
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A great sandwich for when your on the run.

2+ slices of turkey ham
2+slices of cheese
2-3 slices of bread dependent upon double decker
joe: I love my turkey ham sandwich
bob: what type of cheese did you put on it
joe: cheddar
bob: next time try pepperjack
by user_rule March 11, 2009
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Used to define vagina that is very nasty or stanky or is in very bad need of a douche, usually for girls that are hoes
Yo I saw Maddie Lee's nudes, that shit was a moldy ham sandwich

Sam hooked up with this chick yesterday but oh boi did she have a moldy ham sandwich, I could smell that shit as soon as she walked in, it was liked bein slapped with a tilapia
by COnDoMTEnt November 19, 2015
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The act of a gay man taking a piece of white bread, placing his penis and balls on top of it and spreading mustard or mayo on top of it, than taking another piece of white bread and placing it on top. Than inviting another gay man to chew upon it gently while sucking the condiments off. This must be performed in illinois for the full effect to take place.
Gay man: 'God Josh gave me a DELICIOUS sandwich last night!

Friend: An illinois ham sandwich?!?!

Gay man: " OH YES!!!
by ballsack224 January 6, 2010
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A man who refuses to take his woman to dinner or buy her expensive gifts--being alone is better than being pussy-whipped.
I watched him move to the cheap end of the jewelry counter, as his girl lingered over the rings with the big rocks. This ham-sandwich man wasn't blowing his bankroll on a silly token of love.
by Jake Beideck September 23, 2006
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A somewhat short but chronically overweight person
Check out that soccer manager. No, not the short blond one, im talking about that huge one! Notice how when he sits on the bleachers it sags in the middle. That kids a total ham sandwich, know what I mean?
by Steve Pennington October 16, 2007
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A polite reference to a clean shaven vah-jay-jay. The overlapping labia tend to resemble the delicate folds deli ham (pickle insertion optional).
Fresh from her brazilian, Lillian proudly displayed her pressed ham sandwich.
by SlangEditorial May 2, 2008
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