Someone who is cool, nice, modest and highly intelligent. Warning: May have bad handwriting and/or the tendency to use up other people's phone batteries. Always comes top in exams, generally a very busy and important person.
A: I'm going to study for my test now.
B: You don't need to, you'll do great anyway... you're such a Greg!
by purplepurplepurple May 24, 2009
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most wonderful guy you'll ever meet in your life, he would make you smile ina
heartbeat (: and hes deff bangablle :p but the biggest reason you'll love him is because hes just the perfect guy ever .
by Eliizkax33 February 5, 2009
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Greg is surely the best person on the planet. He's smart, sexy, nice, and a great athlete or runner. He has roch hard abs and get woo anyone he pleases.
Holy sh*t! Who's that hotty?
That's Greg dumb*ss who else would it be.
by Matte Fiber February 19, 2019
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Someone who skips School on a monday.
Person1: Where's Greg?
Person2: It's Monday
Person1: Oh yea

Person1: Where you were yesterday?
Person2: Oh, i was pulling a greg
by AttleboroTaco March 13, 2008
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Slang term for a man's penis. Must be in lowercase, it is a common noun.
"Dude she totally wants my greg"
by ron7188 March 8, 2008
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a russian with a sniper who isn't afraid to use it
Dude 1: you know that guy up the street?
Dude 2: the one with the barbed wire fence?
Dude 1: Yeah, what a greg. gotta love it.
by feral wolf March 1, 2010
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Greg, usually short for gregory is almost always a a gentle loving person.
they have great compasion.
and care about other peoples feelings.
they are one of the most down to earth people you'll ever meet(:

sometimes is a a guy that isnt a horny basterd.
Girl 1: aw, i thought you were crying.
Girl 2: well, im better now, greg saw me and rushed to make me happier. so im better now.
girl 1: yeah, that seems like greg, he is so sweet.
by halo(: February 23, 2009
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