When someone is so special and retarded that they don't even deserve your time to say fucking retarded so shorten it down into fucktarded.

Can also be used as a noun, fucktard
Adj: omg my friend is so fucktarded

Noun: ffs you are such a fucktard
by Rolyatekul February 26, 2017
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The intentional or unintentional level of EXTREME stupidity perpetrated by an individual that makes a retarded person seen like they are Albert Einstein.

An uncommon level of stupidity only reached by a select few on our planet.
FuckTard - defined as(1)The actions of a California representative named Nancy Pelosi.
(2)The action of a person trying to start a chainsaw by holding the chain bar between your legs.
by Gator2018 February 20, 2018
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a fucking retard that surpasses those whom are just retarded, these "fucktards" are honestly something else. they will find a way to fuck up a chunk of titanium.
person: you're such a fucktard.
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A contraction of "fucking retard".

A person of unbelievable, inexcuseable and indescribable stupidity. A person who's actions are classified as fucktardery, does everything fucktardedly, and suffers from a severe level of fucktardness. Said person likes fucktarding, and is fucktardatious as fuck.
fucking + retard = fucktard

1) A fucking retard

2) A retarded fuck

3) A fuck, who is also retarded

by lamaboybbb September 26, 2016
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Chem teacher who’s gay as shit and accused me of cheating
“Hey did u do Ms Nunez’s chem hw yet?”
“Nah, she’s a fucktard”
by Thicc Shaker October 3, 2021
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The type of moron who is so retarded, that they panic buy toilet paper for a virus that doesn’t give you diarrhoea.
Dave:Really, look at this guy buying up all the toilet paper because of coronavirus.
Bob:That guy is a fucktard, you don’t get diarrhoea from coronavirus.
by Ragnar Loddbrok June 26, 2020
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Someone who is all of the above. Gay, Douche, and a straight up asshole
by TMACHINE03 November 28, 2016
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