Someone who by the mere sight of them causes an intense urge up and down your spine to grab them by the back of the head and slam their face against a concrete wall and not feel bad about it.
by Tim79h October 2, 2014
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a description of a particular person. usually one consisting of ignorance or stupidity. Here are ordinary words that describe them. asshole, bitch, cheater, douche bag, hoe, slut, jerk, etc.
"I made Chase a candy basket and some videos of me dancing to his favorite songs to make up for the distance of my movement but he was being a real fuckface! so I gave it to a co worker."

ashley- Joseph slept with my sister!"

veronica- "woa, weren't yall in love?, he is without doubt an honest fuckface."

monty- "your stripping now?!"

carri- "yeah I need money to fix my yosimiti sam car!"

monty- "you stupid ass fuckface of a girlfriend!"
by ashleycarri May 21, 2010
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a ass, retard, gimbo, jerk, douche ....etc

a fuckface is a person who really is annoying or can be any of the names said above.
They are rude, self centered idiots who really need a life.
jod"your a fucking skank"
you" shut up fuckface"
by devanvasile February 11, 2007
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a gay boy who gives great gay head and loves doing it.
James is such a fuckface.
by Angel gay April 28, 2008
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