Usually a toxic Franny is a female with a tic tac dick. Can be a very very VERY toxic bitch when given penis growth pills. A psychotic rainbow dick. Is also referred to as “Franny Granny Panties”.
Guy: Oh look it’s a toxic Franny, we better run!
A Toxic Franny: Y’all better stop before I put these granny panties on you ;)
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The one and only Fran ! SO sweet but damn he pines too much. He is so worthy of such a title! Known for his good looks and the ability to pull women left and right.
Person A : "Who even Fran?"
Person B : "Oh, you mean Frannie Poo Bear? He's the sexiest bitch out there!"
by leafblowerforhead February 1, 2022
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A franny collins is where you get all 10 fingers and lick each one individually and then insert each finger into a vagina (on period). After this you then need to proceed in licking each finger clean until you throw up all over the girl.
Last night i cant believe i franny collins all over Ellie Simmonds.
by james clarke May 17, 2023
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the type of college student who, upon meeting, instantly gives you the impression of an arrogant, pretentious, naive, aggressive, yet jesus - loving, asshole.
"oh yeah dude i met anne, she's such a frannie."
"my roomate is such a fucking frannie, he wont stop speaking in elvish about the sins of sexual relations."
by c a r o September 6, 2019
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