Measuring one's life by the amount of Fifa world cups which take place once every 4 years.
I am 8 Fifa years young, I was born in 1980 and have seen 8 fifa world cups.
by Leo_g June 10, 2010
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the act of being a dick to someone playing fifa.
Ryan stop fifa-dickin'! Im tryin to score.
by Zeke Posnes January 29, 2011
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A musical piece characterized by sounding as though it could have featured on the sound track of an installment of EA Sport's classic annual video game series FIFA.
"Hey Pal, is this a fifa song?"
"It might have been on FIFA 12"
"Is that the one with the good soundtrack or the good good soundtrack?"
"Just the good soundtrack"
by D4tress September 12, 2020
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A party game (unless you have a problem) involving a game of FIFA on Xbox or Playstation where every time your opponent scores a goal, you take a shot of Jaegermeister. Works best in a 2 on 2 environment with everyone in the same room.
With a few hours to kill between Super Sunday and the Super Bowl 2010 we decided to play FIFA on Xbox with a twist. 1½ hours later, 2 bottles of Jaeger were gone... Extreme FIFA was born.
by TSGU Smoke Dog February 9, 2010
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Code name for hanging out with friends, and drinking alcohol. Bringing Fifa video game as decoy so parents will not expect drinking, but well expect the loud noises. They will think it is because of the game.
Hey man, want to have FIFA night this saturday?

-Yea man just let me get drinks and bring in your Fifa!
by Fifaniteadickt December 2, 2010
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Fifa scum is a player of the beautiful game of EA Sports Fifa 10 on either the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 systems. This is a beautiful game and is usually enjoyed by fans and great players alike. But there are the chodey few who try to ruin the game by doing such things as chipping and blocking punts which are unwritten rules that do not take place. They also usually only pick the best teams in the game, such as Barcelona and Inter Milan. Not only do they do these crappy moves, and use these ridiculous teams, but then they brag that they are the best, when really everyone thinks that are the Fifa SCUM.
Sean: Yo bro i'm the best at this game!

Jake: Dude, you just beat me by chipping twice and blocking one of my punts, your Inter, and I am a man down.
Sean: Naa bro i'm soooo good!
Jake: You are the lowest of the low, you are Fifa SCUM, just hop of the sticks.
Connor: Yeah Sean you are definitely Fifa SCUM bro!
by Big Saucer August 22, 2010
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When one goes crazy while playing the Game of Fifa, cannot control him or herself and goes hysterical when misses a goal.
Chris G: I'm about to make a goal!
Chris B: AW man you are
The Game: aw what a close one (he misses)
Chris G: What the F***!!! (while hitting Chris B)
Anthony: Dude why did you hit Chris B you Fifa Maniac
by I wrote this joint joint November 4, 2010
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