Someone who likes to piss on random things with unknown intentions
Why’d you piss on the high chair you exotic pisser
by Isaac cupp August 18, 2018
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A white person who tried to claim they've got exciting foreign heritage.
Person 1: so yeah I'm like 1/16 Scottish, 1/8 Finnish, 1/16 Welsh, 1/4 French, 1/4 German and half Irish .

Person 2: you're literally just exotic mayonnaise XD
by Lady Mayonnaise The Third January 10, 2017
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An exotic eggroll is when a man covers his penis in a variety of spices and dips his dick in duck sauce. Then the female proceeds to suck his dick and get all the exotic flavors.
Yo, Tyler gave this girl Veronica an exotic eggroll and she felt extremely cultured.
by Daniel (aka Britney) February 11, 2019
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The nice or politcally correct word for a stripper. It doesn't make sense because their is nothing exotic about taking off your clothes and grinding on a pull. I'm not hating on strippers you gotta do what you gotta do to make your money. I'm just saying the term extoic dancer doesn't make complete sense.
Just call it what it is, stripping. Exotic dancer is just a nicer way of putting it. A lot of people use it as a way to make money and get by so I'm not hating on them, everyone has to make their money somehow.
by Jersey Kid November 3, 2007
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The lead character in the massively popular show known as tiger king. He is a gun slinging, crazy, gay, wild dude. He is awesome.
Man that Joe Exotic is something.
by Bisonlover April 23, 2020
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Pretty cool artist, alternative dude lol. exotic if you see this hi :)
Person 1: hey what you listening to

Person 2: for my girl by 804.Exotic

Person 1: nice dude
by Isabelle Thomas October 29, 2021
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Is when you rip of your pubes and insert them in the girls mouth, after this, you light the pubes on fire, MAKE SURE the bitch screams, then you jizz on the pubes to extinguish the fire, once this is done, the girl will say "OH, HONEY YOU SAVED MY LIFE!" Then you say, "DAMN RIGHT BITCH"

Then you simply just fuck the shit out of her.
by Nick Kmiecik September 2, 2007
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