Erik; noun: defined as a logic genius who excels in everything, sweet and caring but to only to one specific person (see the definition of Jade). Also defined as 'Chizzy Bear.'
Man, that Erik dude just makes all these complicated stuff sound like riding a bike.
by Caffeindish August 9, 2009
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Erik is a dude who looks like a cricket. He pretty much bugs everyone.
by QwasqwQer July 20, 2018
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Erik has the dirtiest mind in the whole world!!! At first glance they think he's a girl. He says the weirdest things and gets in trouble but doesn't give a shit. This kid is bad ass all the way. Look out though, he may or may not be gay. He is usually really annoying but also one of the funniest guys you will ever meet!
Boy 1 "Erik is so sexy"
Erik "Not as sexy as you are!"
by pleasegofckurself November 16, 2018
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A gay faggot nigger whos gonna grow up to be a virgin
See that dudes a erik
by JeffObamaGoku September 18, 2018
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Someone who likes to wear tight red speedos.
I feel like doing an Erik today
by jadealice September 24, 2010
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The best person ever. He makes the best boyfriend and is very nice and caring. He always thinks about others and is very caring. He is usually very good looking and his hair is always perfect. He is the most handsome guy you will ever find and is very cute. He is good at sports. If you find an Erik never let them go. Any girl is very lucky to be with a Erik.
Me “Erik is sooooo hot”
Erik “thanks but I only like Brooke
by Ilyerik July 26, 2019
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A blue cat that uses its tail as a propeller, this cat usually steals ancient statues of Egyptian gods
Oh boy, did you see that Erik snatch up the pyramids
by roberttwan March 21, 2018
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