to over exaggerate to a point where the original is nowhere near it
(movie slang) to horribly screw up what actually happened in real life in a movie
She disneyed the story so bad that no one could tell what actually happened.
by Kazabem520 April 6, 2009
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An infamous corporation, whose sole goal in the economic world is to control every single aspect of the universe. Since their only goal of world domination wouldn't go over with the people of the world, this evil corporation disguises itself as being a "fun-loving, good-will-fostering, happy place." WHICH IS A BIG LIE! The Disney corporation is morphing the minds of the world's youth, into something almost "not human." And who is their spokesperson? A FUCKING RAT!
666, Dante's Inferno, The 7 levels of hell, Detroit Michigan, Devil's Playground
by John Doe February 19, 2005
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1. used to make good movies

2. Produces artists with NO TALENT and makes crappy movies and TV shows that are things that should have never been created, which is somehow popular among children, brainwashing them into becoming know-it-alls and narcissists. Parents should forbid their children from watching this. Walt Disney frowns upon what his creation has become.
1. "The Lion King", "Finding Nemo", "Toy Story"

2. Justin Bieber, Bella Thorne, Willow Smith, other demons sent from hell; Jessie, Fish hooks, etc. Disney is deteriorating very quickly.
by time traveler from the future September 4, 2012
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The champion of the animation world and used to produce the highest quality work, particularly in the 90s. Then it went downhill with crappy tween stars like Miley Cyrus who always ended up on drugs, as whores, or in jail, and horrible teen sitcoms about idiot kids. It's starting to get back on its feet with movies like The Princess and the Frog and Tangled, though.
Disney Fan 1: Hey, have you seen The Princess and the Frog and Tangled? They're so awesome!

Disney Fan 2: Oh yeah! Disney better not go back to making stupid tween pop stars who can't sing.

Disney Fan 1: Yeah, one more Miley Cyrus and I'm going to scream.
by A Jumping Koi January 9, 2012
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a noun: the most magical word in the whole world. All things Disney originated with Walt Disney many years ago. The man was a genius. Disney has brought much joy to people of all ages. Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. The Snow White ride does not make any sence for it is all scary and then abruptly ends with "and then they lived happily ever after". Disney freaks should not be frowned upon, for they are people, too. Disney=magic
Wow Saphire! My first time was just so Disney!
by Smokeeee August 29, 2006
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An evil empire that wants to rule the entertainment universe.
Disney began with classic cartoons like Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh.

Flash forward to today, and the company is living off of remakes of their classic movies, Frozen, Star Wars, Marvel, and Fox. And Disney still wants to buy every media franchise known to man.
by NoStockingz August 5, 2019
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The company that doesn't want kids to know that violence exists yet makes a show with Youtubers who swear.
Disney sucks.
by melonismynamebytheway April 14, 2020
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