The phenomenon where a Facebook user temporarily loses control of his or her brain function as a result of (or leading to) an endless loop of reading status updates and trolling through profile pages. Often occurs as a result of procrastination or boredom.
Oh, no! What time is it? I must have been in a Facebook Coma. The last thing I remember was signing on...
by brifrye June 3, 2010
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The resulting gas bomb from Guacamole and Jager Bombs, or perhaps Brocoli. Requires multiple people to form a circle around someone (preferably a new-born baby) and back into it and blast it with gas bomb farts until the baby develops blindness and/or deafness.
"Here's a coupon for 1 free fart coma. I get my buddies over, we do about 20 jager bombs a piece, a lot of guac is involved. Then we back up into it and we just hit the baby with farts until it can’t see or hear.”
by Grundlenuts September 4, 2012
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When you eat so much food that you are physically incapable of moving but at the same time you realize there really is no reason to
I have been on the couch in food coma for the past 2 hours because of those six steaks I ate at dinner.
by Tigerball78 May 23, 2017
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when someone goes to sleep mad, the anger is still visible upon their face.
* During a car ride *
* Axel notices his uncles girlfriend who was angry before falling asleep and still looked very angry while sleeping *
Axel: Uncle Jai, why does Megan look like that while she is sleeping?
Jai: We got into a fight about how we dont need to eat all that fast food she wanted.
Axel: Oh, so she is in an Angry Coma i take it.
by Axel Wolf April 8, 2013
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Depression-Coma is a slang term used to describe the perpetual feeling of sadness and loss of interest that is often associated with Major Depressive Disorder. Due to the static nature of such feelings, they are likened to a comatose state with regard to affect.
The gentleman has done nothing worthy of notice for the past month with exception to breathing. He seems to be in a bit of a depression-coma, if you will.
by SirWFC718 April 29, 2013
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Liberal Coma is the state of political unconsciousness. Time frames for this condition varies but usually only last until the individual grows up and has to actually face reality. When people have suffered or are in a Liberal Coma they are very idealistic or unrealistic about the world they live in. Often when these people either have to support themselves or have children they begin to wake up from this coma. Some never wake up.
Veronica woke up from her Liberal Coma when she saw her unemployed, single-mom neighbor pull into her driveway with her new car, one of her babies daddies and the groceries she just purchased with food stamps.
by dirtykurty September 16, 2010
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Coma White is the final track on Marilyn Manson's album "Mechanical Animals". Many fans (including myself) declare it to be probably one of the band's (if not the best) songs that they have ever done.

The character Coma White is also rumoured to be based upon Manson's then girlfriend, Rose McGowan.

Also, the video which almost beautifully depicted the assasination of president JF Kennedy, was pulled from MTV shortly after the death of JF Kennedy Jr.
Theres something
Cold and blank
Behind her smile
Shes standing on an overpass
In a Miracle Mile
Cuz you were from a perfect world
A world that through me away
Today, today
To run away...

Me: jgkftggh I love Coma White...
by Kerianna June 11, 2006
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