Damn look at that fat bitch all over your man, she's a chut!
by chuterrific March 16, 2009
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1. To be used instead of a derogatory word, such as bitch
2. To replace words such as fuck or shit
3. To do something with bandages

also can be an adverb or adjective
What the chut?
Shut up you fucking chut!
Why are you so chutty?
"I picked up the Italian noodle yesterday which's abandoned by somebody. It's like chutty and bandage."
by Lauren and Erin January 3, 2005
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A conjugation of the two words chav and slut. A chavvy slut. Mostly seen wearing track suits and minimal other items of clothing.
"Did you see that chut over there, gross"
by Tebs&cait July 9, 2014
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The area of the body between the scrotum and the anus.
I almost threw up after I was kneed in the chut.
by Chooley Von Grundelchut September 21, 2008
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a penis that is thicker than it is long
thats one hell of a chut on that naked midget over there, eh horace?
by meghan and jenny July 19, 2003
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1. Inside joke by Nick Wong
2. Derived from Biangchut meaning sister fcuker to Benchut Ben Teong's nickname from Nick
3. Chut then evolved to become a name to replace anybody's nickname
4. Also evolved to become an exclamatory word. Examples below.
Hey Shaunchut! What time are we meeting tommorrow?

Dammit! Chut man! We could have won!

Don't be such a chut Alex!

No you're the chut! Amandachut!
by narutard November 9, 2004
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Chut used to describe Blond people who think there all that and smell like a penis hair and vageinas
Man I can’t believe Marliese slept with Dylan he’s such a chut
by Eli Anker January 31, 2019
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