Oh you know. RHE BEST DANM FUCKING HOLIDAY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! I mean, COME ON! You got you’re songs, the colors, the story’s, the theme, the weather just everything is DANM perfect. And if someone says Halloween, they either are a fucking emo or they are trying to be original in choosing a holiday that’s not Christmas
Person 1: I can’t DANM wait for Christmas!
Person 2: you like Christmas? Halloweens better
Person 1: alright you fucking emo. Get the hell out of my DANM sight
Person 2: :(
by Epicgamer33 December 11, 2021
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the only time of the year where it is socially acceptable to sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of socks.
It's Christmas yay!
by Anzelly December 29, 2011
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The time of the year where families gather around their trees on December 25th, sheltered from the snow falling outside, drinking hot cocoa and opening presents. This magical time of the year is in celebration of the birth of Christ, who sacrificed himself for our sins.
by SantaJClaus December 19, 2013
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During Christmas, we get presents.
by Mambo Mambo GO June 22, 2010
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For Christians its, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. For everyone else its a nice time where people all get presents from Santa and everyone is happy but freezing.
'I'm so excited about Christmas'
by lovepink4010 October 17, 2011
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Now human beings worshipped the great god Santa, a creature with fearsome claws, and his wife Mary. And every Christmas Eve, people of UK go to war with the country of Turkey. They then eat the Turkey people for Christmas dinner. Like savages!
We must appease The Great Santa in honor of Christmas, before we can eat the turkey people!
by Chacha Chamberlain May 10, 2011
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