A girl who's beyond beautiful and gets along with everyone she comes in contact with. She has many friends and is a very modest girl. Everyone who meets her ends up adoring her, and is eager to be her friend or date her. She's very nice and she'd do anything to help anyone in peril. She's a gift from God to the entire world, and anyone who meets her is truly blessed. Loved by everyone, hated by none. She's overly cute, and very attractive. But, she doesn't know it because she's too modest. She's very outgoing, and very active. You're lucky if you can keep up with her. She also has great knowledge, and makes you feel stupid, but you'll forget how stupid you are after you look at her cute face, which is bearing a beautiful smile. You are the shit, if you know a Carly.
Dude.. Who's that chick over there?
Oh, that's my girlfriend Carly , be jealous.

Person 1: Hey Carly you wanna be my fr-

by Lookass June 25, 2011
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A large orgasmic urge.
Usually seen when horny, or turned on.

Omg. He totally just gave me a Carly.
by shlampe November 23, 2007
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A person who doesn't really belong in this world. Their mind is in another planet.
Man, that girl is really carli!
by TheChauffeur September 25, 2006
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The most beautiful girl you'll ever encounter in your entire life. She has the biggest smile that'll turn your shitty day into the best day ever. When you're with her you feel like you're on top of the world and when you're not with her, seconds feel like hours. When you kiss her your mind goes blank but at the same time it becomes overwhelmed with happiness, the feeling is indescribable, and you'll think about that kiss for days. Her eyes are perfect, her hair is perfect, her laugh is perfect, SHE is perfect. You won't ever find anyone better.
by imblackilikefriedchicken December 2, 2011
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Carly is a beautiful, no eyebrow, cutie! Her best friend name is usually Lila. Lila loves her.

Happy Birthday! ❤
Spencer "Is that Carly?"

Lila "Yes, now shut up you asshole"
by Lila june ψ(`∇´)ψ December 30, 2017
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she is a bit shy to talk at first, but then when it comes to talk to her you will see she is probably the most exiting person ever. she makes you laugh and cry at the same time. she loves music and food. she likes to be herself whenever she can. when she likes someone she wont tell even her close friends. she has a hard time dealing with life so she tries to think happy. you wont know if she has a fake smile because she is that good at it. she doesnt really think before she talks so people get mad at her often. she is one of the weirdest girls you will ever meet and she is cute. she doesnt like to brag and she she likes to help people all the time. she can be insane at one point and then the next she wont talk to you because she is so focused.
Look at Carly, I wonder when someone will get the balls to ask her out... i mean she is cute but savage she will probably reject them.
by CCAARDLEYN November 15, 2018
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A girl with insanely azure blue eyes, long dark hair and a melodic laugh. She has the voice of an angel, and she is the sweetest, kindest person you'll ever meet. She is shy at first, then she'll open up to you. You need to watch out for a Carly - she may just have a halo and wings.
"Do you know Carly?"
"The girl with the insanely blue eyes?"
"Yeah, her."
"Of course, she has the voice of an angel!"
by Presephone February 13, 2009
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