The thing that holds fruits and food at Thanksgiving.
Damn dude, let me get some food from that Capricorn. - George Washington
by itsyaboiuhhh September 3, 2017
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A Capricorn is usually a pathetic arrogant individual who thinks they own everything which is here in this universe. They like to shit all over people for their beliefs, while remaining hypocritical about their own. They like talking out of their ass, while shoving everything they DON'T know in to your face. They are stubborn, selfish, conceited and try to act tough when really there is nothing but shit being spewn from their mouth. If you know a Capricorn, please throw them in a lake of boiling lava, for they have nothing to bring in to the world. :
Bobby: Cynthia gave awful head... and boasted about it later...
Phillip: Welp, she's probably a Capricorn!
Everyone knows how awful Capricorn head is..
Bobby: Yeah Phil, I guess you're right. After we were done, she tried discussing politics and told me Hilary Duff was running for V.P.
by not revenge, just honesty ;] December 22, 2008
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People born under the sign of the 10th house of the zodiac, also represented as The Devil in tarot cards...and in real life. It is often written Capricorns are hard working, stoic, serious minded, determined, and succesful; what isn't mentioned is that they are the TOTAL OPPOSITE of those traits, because they are: the laziest, flakey, inferior, think-I'm-interesting-but-I'm just a lying-selfish-boring douche bag, unoriginal, unintelligent shithead saggy uterus sack. You have the emotional depth of a saucer of milk, and your creativity is that of an earthworm. Physically, you usually resemble a plain, warted-up potato; but people fuck you not because you're interesting, but because you are a moraless whore. Over all, the Capricorn is the opposite of what they say they are. By the way, you are ALSO not as progressive and "cool" as you think, it has often been said that Capricorn's are at least 10 years behind in fashion and trends, and 20 years behind in behavior.
Personally, I know at least 20 Capricorn, all of them share these traits. Coincidence? I think not.
by LetThyTruthBeBold November 9, 2009
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A person born in December 22nd - Jan 20th who values possessions more than people, probably because no one wants to hang around a greedy workaholic who is oversensitive and needy.
Classic Examples of a Capricorn: Voldemort, Dido Armstrong, David Bowie, Nicholas Cage, Liam Hemsworth
by From Anonymous March 25, 2012
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The baddest bitch ever that was a Giant cock and the fastest peach since Kim k. Rumor has it that god is a Capricorn
Omg im a capricorn also we are such baddies
by Xxjhnuxx December 16, 2020
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Capricorn’s are usually charming when you first meet them but once you get to know them they are hell. If so a girl They are usually in love with their self and tells everyone that they are the shit and they believe that they are the shit . Also both genders are very conceited. They will tell you how it is and you have hate them
Bin-Hey you know that new girl is a Capricorn

Tin- ohh she ready to be hell I heard that they are crazy
by Capricornbih12 December 13, 2017
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Capricorn’s are usually a dumb fuck that will make u want to kill yourself treat u like your trash and leave u after they are done making your life living hell! 🥰🥰
Girl 1: Wtf is she doing is she dumb?
Girl 2: she must be a Capricorn
by idhwjhdiquifqisw February 21, 2021
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