That point in time when any additional spousal exposure is no longer endearing; becoming progressively more annoying, irritating and even infuriating depending on how divergent the personalities have evolved.
Funny, they both have similar objectives. He's tryin' to help people using logic, reason and the application of proven methodology and she's facilitating a social well-being platform based on metaphysics, spirituality and faith claims. I wonder how long it will take for 'em to reach Spousal Contact-Capacity Overload?
by YAWA June 23, 2019
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That point in time when any additional spousal exposure is no longer endearing; becoming progressively more annoying, irritating and even infuriating depending on how divergent the personalities have evolved.
Funny, they both have similar objectives. He's tryin' to help people using logic, reason and the application of proven methodology and she's facilitating a social well-being platform based on metaphysics, spirituality and faith claims. I wonder how long it will take for 'em to reach Spousal Contact-Capacity Overload?
by YAWA June 23, 2019
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A Neo-Orwellian Democrat phrase, intentionally created with a wide-sweeping and ambiguous scope, used to define what was once formerly known as "telling the truth", or the dangerous use of using maths and statistics to prove someone else wrong.
"I tried to tell Brenda that gun deaths are an epidemic within America, to which she responded with High Capacity Assault Speech, explaining that gun deaths aren't even in the top ten causes of death in the United States. And there are, in fact, more deaths caused by hands, feet, knives, and blunt instruments by a magnitude of about eighty. I have reported her to the thought police so that she may be dealt with swiftly, and that our Holy Narrative may be protected."
by Krythic May 15, 2021
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upon entering a venue of a night, you find it is full of undesirables ie.. TOSSERS. FUCKIN TOSSERS.
"perhaps we made a mistake comim here tonight steve, its full of tossers".Yes mark,its TOSS FUCK CAPACITY.
by kingofflah August 28, 2006
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The ability to contain the accurately represented attractiveness of Nina.
That picture has amazing va-va-voom capacity. Just look at Nina's legs! They go on for miles!
by sam3ep April 25, 2010
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The Fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test program. This means that you get no biotches.
Did you know that The Fitnessgram pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test program which gets progressively more difficult as it continues? That's like, pretty cool. This means that you typically spend no time outside.
by God Hisself June 8, 2023
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The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. beep A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
by wqufhoefi2cuhjhiveej January 10, 2018
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