An expert at everything.

Someone who thinks they can get lots of chicks and when they get rejected say the chick wasn't hot anyway.
Takes shirtless selfies and sends it to girls.
That Luke Menzel kid is such a bruv. Did you see his shirtless selfies he posted yesterday?
by SmallBuck August 30, 2017
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Noun or verb. The non sexual feelings of love between two bros. An Austin term for male admiration.
I bruv that guy, he's my best friend.
by ATX Dude October 2, 2015
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It is a term used by a twitch streamer named "Gross Gore". This term is mostly used on any plays in League of Legends.
╰┃ ┣▇━▇
┃ ┃ ╰━▅╮
╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ BRUV KEK😎
╰╮ ┳━━╯ SUPER EASY🤙
▔╲▋╰━┻┻╮╲ ▔▔▔╲
▏ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ O O
╲ ▔╲▂▂▂▂ ▔╲▂▂▂
▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
╲▂ ╲▂ ╲▂

by WaterConnoiseur March 10, 2021
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some sort of slang that roadmen say.
innit” is short for “isn’t it” and “bruv” is what they are calling the person who they’re talking to
chav: *literally any statement*
roadman: “innit bruv”
by tubbolive September 3, 2021
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An idiot saying "Bro" wrong, because they want to be different and trendy. Typically used by low IQ individuals.
by SoggyCow June 8, 2019
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The term "big Shaq" aka the guy who sang and wrote man's not hot. In the BBC interview which created the major meme he uses "yes bruv" pronounces island as is-land, and spells island I-L-E-L-A-N-D.
So you were at ileland records? ... Yes bruv
by Sammy Haze January 3, 2018
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british slang, used when agreeing with someone. usually used by people that think they are roadmen
oi that emma is peng
‘innit bruv’
by someonethatprobshatesu March 9, 2019
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