The state of there being too many books in a non-bookshelf location
I can't get into your bed, it is so bookie
by MadgeP December 7, 2009
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When one looks like shit, smells like shit, etc.
"Girl, I woke up this morning lookin' like bookie!"
by chiquitamarlita September 5, 2008
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Definition 1:pet name Definition 2: a baby cookie
1."I will call my Booki in an hour!"
2. "Don't burn the bookis in the oven!"
by sassypants13 November 26, 2016
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white person that adapts the street lingo, slang and/or embraces black culture. A 'fake' or superficial white person claiming to have lived a harsh, inner city urban life.
That dood aint no thug, hes nottin butt a damn bookie!
by steve w August 11, 2004
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Ehh she cant hang-fuckin bookie!
by M703 January 22, 2009
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