Alaina Marie, Eminem, Marshall, Kim, Dawn, Hailie
Alaina Mathers is born as Alaina Marie Scott on May 3, 1993. She have a twinbrother Adam, poor Adam is handicapped, a younger sister Amy and a brother P.J. Marshall aka Eminem got full custody of her and so she lives with him, Hailie & Whitney. Her mother Dawn is the twinsister of Kim. Marshalls ex-wife. He adopted her on May 5, 2002. But it wasnt public yet. untill the cd Encore, in the track Mockingbird hes naming her. Alaina is like a big sister for Hailie.
by madgirl July 24, 2006
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Alaina is a cute and adorable person.. Best person you will EVER meet... She would be the BEST girlfriend who allways cares about you. She might not show it, but in the inside she has soo much love for you...
Boy 1: Yo i just got with Alaina

Boy 2: NEVER break up
by EliteCookie166 January 3, 2021
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A jerk who thinks she is above all else. Short, Red Hair, steals boys from best friend. Super annoying laugh, and squeals like a dying pig. Cute but no one likes her.
Guy to Tall Burnett: "Hey, isnt your best friend such an Alaina?"
by blargggageradschkj February 5, 2010
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Alaina is the best friend anyone could ask for, she is sweet but acts how she wants to. She loves people who love her. Anyone would be lucky to have her in their life! Everyone should treat her with respect and kindness. She is so beautiful and can get nervous over nothing. She is amazing at anything athletic.
Alaina is my BEST FRIEND!
by Alaina ROCKS! January 7, 2021
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The most desired woman in my world because she is beautiful inside out and all beyond your imagination. With black wavy hair and green eyes with the ass and legs of a thriller. Loves her friends and family unconditionally if you know her she will never leave you on earth as in heaven
Alaina uses the shower as an oasis for her and her one and only man
by Lil sommelier January 27, 2022
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The name of someone who's annoying stupid and never learns from her mistakes
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Alanis is a person who talks behind people's back and is a lier. You can't trust her. She is ugly and guys hate her. She likes any guy she can get.
OMG Alaina is such a jerk
by Taylor570827 February 20, 2017
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