Manages to but into every conversation none to man, if you stop being friends with him he’ll threaten to kill himself. He can talk about you more times behind your back than a drop of rain can get on your back in a fucking rainstorm. All an all I big cunt P.S he hates Italians!
Look at Flynn over there in the corner ‘Flynn chanting the devil in his corner’
by Mr Meme Maker March 10, 2019
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(1) to misspell any word in the English language or use it in the incorrect tense, case, etc.
(2) to be a joke
Kyle: He used "your" in the wrong context.
Joe: He is totally Pulling a Flynn.
Kyle: What a joke.
by Dr. Van Nostrand May 18, 2009
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A person who is a baddie or represents being generally attractive.
Wow! That outfit makes that guy a real Daniel Flynn.
by JoeFro69 April 20, 2021
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Plays the hottest asshole ever on 13 Reasons Why. Gay irl but the female fans don't care since he is such man candy.
Man, that dude is such a Brandon Flynn! Do you see that face?!?! Those features!!!
by sauceyboy July 4, 2017
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A very hot thief that stole a crown from a castle. They couldn't get his nose right in the wanted posters. He met a girl with magical healing hair and made her dream come true. He fell in love with her and saved her life. She ended up being the lost princess and he brought her to her home. Real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.
Is that Flynn Rider?
I will get you Flynn Rider!!!
by Rapunzel Rider January 2, 2014
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One who fucks the shit out of white women with nice tits and huge asses. He really likes to suck on the puss and make it feel maad good. He also enjoys whipping his dick out in public. In addition, he likes to give a girl rough anal and then rub his cock on the girls lip so that she gets a legit looking mustache
Girl: Yo how was last night with stephen flynn

Girl2: he fucked me so hard and made me cum out my ass. he was def a stephen flynn
by gingerkiller April 13, 2010
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