(noun) A woman considered attractive for everything but-her-face
From accross the Sizzler, she looked good. But up close, Denise proved to be a butterface.
by Scheissemann May 18, 2009
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a girl with a great body and a not so nice face.
"she's a butterface... everything's hot but her face."
by Puttz May 14, 2009
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everything looks great butterface(but her face).
guy: wow you see sarah?
guy#2: oh yeah, she got a butterface.
by longdicsam March 23, 2019
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It means that a girl has a good body, but her face is either ugly or just not that good.
It's when everything looks good, butterface.
by C-Mac Spank Dizzle October 29, 2004
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A term used for a female who has the body of Megan Fox but the face of Liza Minelli.
Damn. That chick's gotta bangin body. Butterface...
by Femme, February 2, 2010
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Woman's body dispropotionately more appealing than her face
That girl is a real butterface, because everything looks good but her face!
by john datton September 7, 2007
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