Undercover policewoman dressed as a prostitute. From ho short form of whore, and 5-0 slang for police.
Girl walking up to car: Hey big boy, you want a good time?
Guy in car: Mos definitely, how much green you askin? I got a fitty right here girl...
Girl: Yeah? Well tonight's not your lucky night buster'cos I'm a cop and you're under arrest.
Guy: Damn ho 5-0!
by PappyDW August 12, 2007
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its when your doing something illegal and the cops come and you run away you have to yell it though
oh shit 5-0 scramble!!!
by hey what r u eating April 30, 2005
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When beaten in a first to 5 games in super smash bros which usually results in the crying of the person beaten.
by MrLucid December 17, 2015
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another term for the fuckers called... COPS
"dude, we better fucking run and hide our shit, the 5 0's are coming..."
by crestfallen June 8, 2004
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A speed trap where 2 police cars are side-by-side, each pointing in the opposite direction.
"Watch out for the 5-0-69 just past Atlanta on I-75. They gave my friend a ticket this morning."
by Lawmeow1 December 5, 2011
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Police officers tapping into phone calls, to get evidence of illegal activity, due to suspicious activity
5 - 0 Tapping in, gone fishing for 3 months
*Cops be listening, gonna lay low for a few months*
by Skookiz April 26, 2019
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When beating a girl with a pineapple, she proceeds to call the police
Jim: What did you go to jail for?
Kevin: I pulled a hawaiI 5-0
by mrked March 29, 2015
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