27 definitions by hey what r u eating

a real prep is someone who goes to college who wears cardigans, sweater vests, lacoste polos,and polo (ralph lauren) polos. real preps dont wear hollister, a&f, american eagle, or aeropostale.
by hey what r u eating May 7, 2005
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a president who is semi- retarted but got ellected twice anyway. hes living proof that elections are rigged!!!!!!!DOWN WITH BUSH!!!!!!!
a villege in texas has lost its idiot which is bush!!
by hey what r u eating April 14, 2005
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its when me and k. danced in front of everyone and they kicked us and called retards
yo me and k. just served all dem punk bitches
by hey what r u eating April 10, 2005
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a famous jewler located in the diomnd district of new york hes in the game def jam fight for new york. hes known by many rappers because he supplies them with bling
ill take you to the dimond district and introuduce you to jacob- 50 cent from the song get in my car. im going back to cali with my jacob on see how time fly-the game from the song hate it or love it.
by hey what r u eating April 23, 2005
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